Movement Roots



Hand carved on linoleum block and hand printed made for Geez Magazine Issue 61 Seeds are Sacred.

This piece incorporates the different pieces of movement building - children and adults; people from all backgrounds calling for representation of many different issues of justice; alignment with the processes of nature to inform our collective processes, shown in the dandelions and ferns, informed by adrienne marie brown's "Emergent Strategy"; the importance of study and reflection to instruct our movements, shown in the people holding books; the value of art; protest; community; and mutual aid, shown in the people trading food, plants, and tools. Our movements are built on strong root networks of information, experience, care, emotion, study, theory, connection, relationship, imagination, ancestors, history. We are not creating a new world from nothing, but rather from abundance, pulling our movements from the Earth. Large changes and movements emerge from the small everyday interactions that are oriented towards justice - the root system that connects all of us everywhere, as we rage against oppression and seek hope.