Public Art
I’ve helped paint over 30 murals around the world and these are the ones I’ve had a hand in designing and managing.
Mural Designs
We the People of Tomorrow
Philadelphia International Airport X Walls for Justice
This project, a collaborative design between sanaartista and artists Sam Rodriguez and Jamee Grigsby, welcomes passengers from all over the world off of their flights, located in Baggage Claim A at the Philadelphia International Airport. It incorporates cultural patterns from around the world and the words invite everyone from everywhere into the work of building a culture of care and invitation in Philadelphia. This mural was done in collaboration with Walls for Justice.
The Love Lot Heals
Prevention Point Philadelphia X Walls for Justice
This project, my first public mural that I both designed and painted, is located at The Love Lot’s previous site as a commemoration of the work they have done. The Love Lot is a food and resource distribution lot started through Prevention Point Philly that began during the pandemic in 2020 in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia. Roz Pichardo, the founder, wanted to represent the healing and nurturing nature of the lot, which inspired this design. The mural was painted in conjunction with Walls for Justice volunteers.
Threads of Change
Cherry St Pier X Walls for Justice
This mural was designed for Cherry Street Pier, collaboratively with the community. Walls for Justice engaged with the Cherry Street Pier community by asking them what they wanted to change in the world and collecting their responses on an interactive art installation. The design weaves all of these dreams together into Threads of Change. We are weaving the future together. This mural was done in collaboration with Walls for Justice.
What's Your Passion?
This mural at St. James Parish in Trenton, NJ was designed to capture Goodfaith’s NeXt Level program for youth. The mural shows the different “passion projects” rooted in service and justice run by youth in their parish communities. It is located on the side of the building where the program hosts retreats and service trips. The mural was communally painted by youth in the program.
Life Force
This mural was collaboratively brainstormed, designed, and painted with youth from the Intensive Prevention Services Program in Northeast Philly.
Where the Wild Things Are
Cooke Elementary X Walls for Justice
This project was a volunteer art opportunity at Cooke Elementary School for MLK Day. Cooke wanted to beautify the lockers in their school with their school theme, Lion’s Pride. Several volunteers from Washington University Alumni Network signed up to come out for the day of service to help paint the lockers. This mural was done in collaboration with Walls for Justice.
Bearing Fruit
This mural was created in collaboration with the St. Raphaela’s Center community. During the annual fundraiser event each person received a piece of painted fruit to write what is bearing fruit in their own life, and then each piece was glued onto the communally painted mural located in the center’s art studio. The piece is located in Haverford, PA.
Synodality Centers
This is a collaborative and participative mosaic piece that traveled to Rome for a week with 150 students and educators and was assembled live in an event with students and Global Synod Delegates. Students and delegates wrote their prayers and hopes for the future of the synodal church and attached them to the piece. The center is the CENTERS logo with words to describe what the process of synodality, in their experience, centers for students and educators.
Philadelphia Legal Assistance Jubilee of Justice
Philadelphia Legal Assistance X Walls for Justice
This mural was designed for Philadelphia Legal Assistance’s 25th Anniversary Celebration, Jubilee for Justice, at the Philadelphia Zoo. The mural encapsulates the areas of service in which PLA offers legal assistance, including Family Law, Unemployment, Tax, Farmworker, Housing, Medical. This mural was done in collaboration with Walls for Justice.
The Four Pillars
This mural is based on the 4 pillars of the Benincasa Community - spirituality, community, study, and ministry. It was brainstormed by asking community members what the pillars mean or signify for them in their lives, and how they picture the pillars functioning, both individually and together. It is painted in the Dan Berrigan Center, a barn on the Benincasa farm in Guilford, CT that features Dan Berrigan’s art collection and can host groups.
Blessed Be The Peacemakers
Germantown Faith Communities Against Gun Violence & LaSalle University STEM Summer Camp
This piece was created during the Peace Promoters Conflict Resolution portion of LaSalle University’s community summer camp. After reflecting on themes of conflict and conflict resolution, each camper got a square to paint and glue mosaic pieces on - representing that the environment plays an important role, and that conflict resolution isn’t always smooth, but working on it is the way to peace. The piece is rotating between different church communities in Germantown.
Cloud of Witnesses
Los Angeles Catholic Worker Hippie Kitchen
This piece, designed and painted in conjunction with lead artist Dimitri Kadiev and artists Daniel Imburgia, Crushow, & Rufo, is in honor of all of the folks no longer with us who have made an impact on the legacy and work of the Los Angeles Catholic Worker and the Catholic Worker movement at large. The mural depicts historical “feeders” – those who have done prominent work in serving food on the streets to those experiencing hunger and homelessness, as well as lists the names of all those who have contributed in some way to the work.
Peace Like A River
Riverstone Baptist Church
This piece was commissioned to be painted in Yardley, PA. It is located in the bible study classroom of the church.
22’ x 8.5’
Mural Project Management
Piece by Peace
Camden County Youth Detention Center X Walls for Justice
Created budget and scope of project, lead painter, facilitated several workshops with residential youth in facility, and installed mural
Fighting for Justice
Community Legal Services X Walls for Justice
Created budget and scope of project, hired artist, facilitated community paint day, and installed mural
Works of Mercy
Iona University
Facilitated a mural painting event for Iona University students to join in painting the “The Works of Mercy” by Sarah Fuller after a lecture on the Catholic Worker and Art
North Star Community Park
North Star Community Park X Walls for Justice
Lead artist and facilitated paint days
Shipping Container
Philadelphia Legal Assistance Jubilee of Justice
Philadelphia Legal Assistance X Walls for Justice
Created budget and scope of project, designed mural, facilitated paint days, and installed mural
The Bridgeway School
The Bridgeway School X Walls for Justice
Created the scope of the project, collaboratively designed mural with students to reflect the themes of queerness, awareness, space for mental health, and recovery, hosted paint days with students, and installed mural
Whitman Library
Whitman Library X Walls for Justice
Created budget and scope of project, hired artist, facilitated paint days, and installed mural
Bike Indego Vendor Event
Bike Indego X Walls for Justice
Managed vendors for vendor market sponsored by Bike Indego, managed workshop stations (including leading a printmaking workshop) and guided patrons through a bingo game sheet, won by collecting a stamp from each station
Queen Memorial Library Point Breeze
Queen Memorial Library X Walls for Justice
Created budget and scope of project, hired artist, facilitated community engagement and paint days, and installed murals
2 - 3’x6.5’ murals
Ethos Dispensary
Ethos Dispensary X Walls for Justice
Created budget and scope of project, and engaged the community through a button making station for Ethos Day on 4/20
Traeme Ideas Que Nadie Puede Ver
Congreso de Latinos Unidos X Walls for Justice
Helped facilitate paint days and install mural